BioLogic's New Zealand Endurance Radish
BioLogic's exclusive New Zealand Endurance Radish is a new generation radish cultivar capable of growing extremely browse tolerant and nutrient dense forage with advanced regrowth and cold tolerance over traditional radishes.
A New Generation of Radish Developed for Deer.
Nutrient Rich Forage Provides Months of Attraction and Herd Health
Drought Tolerant and Performs Well in Dry Conditions
Increased Cold and Browse Tolerance to Feed and Hold Deer Longer
Late Flowering: Remains Leafier and of Higher Forage and Feed Quality than Other Types of Radish
High Yield Ability
High Forage Value
Improved Palatability with Soft, Smooth Leave

Endurance Radish Nutritional Analysis
When planted under ideal conditions with 90 day growth
Digestible Nutrients:
Crude Protein:
Leaf Growth Forage:
5,800 lbs.
Bulb Growth Forage:
6,300 lbs.
Total Forage Per Acre:
12,000 lbs.
Endurance Radish Planting Guide
4 + hours of sun for maximum growth
When to Plant:
Endurance Radish should be planted in late summer/early fall or 45-60 days before the first frost
Soil Fertility:
Fertilize & lime according to soil test. General recommendations without a soil test are 300 lbs. per acre of 15-15-15 at planting. 50-100 lbs. of 46-0-0 at 30 day growth.
How to Plant:
New Zealand Endurance Radish should be planted at 1/4" - 1/2" deep in a well prepared seed bed
Planting Rate:
4 lbs. per 1/2 acre