Fall Food Plot Seed – Whitetail Deer
Fall planted food plots can be so attractive to whitetails because they are fresh and succulent at a time when natural browse is not. At BioLogic, we love fall food plot seeds for deer. It's important to note that even though we refer to them as fall, in the northern and mid zones they are actually planted in late summer. It's amazing to see that within in a few weeks of being planted and having a rain event, these plots can be up and growing with deer immediately browsing them. Southern zones plant clovers now and we love our clover blends. At BioLogic before fall even gets here, we’re out soil testing, plowing ground, sowing seed, and fertilizing in anticipation of bright green food plots and what will be great hunting plots. Our fall food plot blends are tried and true performers that provide the ultimate in attraction for hunting and nutrition for your herd health.