Spring Food Plots | What, When, and How
Spring food plots are critical months in a whitetails life, bucks are rebuilding their bodies from a rigorous winter and starting the amazing antler genesis process. Doe have the task of eating for two or three as most of them are carrying fawns to be born later in summer. Consistent, protein-rich food sources are key to helping your deer reach their potential. Mossy Oak Biologic has a wide variety of spring/summer plantings to fit every wildlife manager’s needs. Invest in the best warm season food plots now, and make sure to give your wildlife the nutrition they need during the critical growing months.
Top Spring Food Plot Seeds from Biologic
Game Changer Forage Soybeans
Game Changer Forage Soybeans are glyphosate tolerant soybeans with good height, great stress tolerance, and an excellent disease package. High protein forage is ideal for providing nutrition for antler, body weight, and fawn growth. Game Changer soybeans are suitable for most all soil types and is also an indeterminate growth type. This bean keeps growing under adverse conditions ensuring a successful, clean plot with glyphosate-resistant weed control.
When to Plant Game Changer Soybeans
Soybeans can be planted anytime in the spring or summer months. Being an annual crop, soybeans grow from seed and die in one growing season so planting as early in the season as possible in warmer climates can produce better results. For maximum forage output, plant in spring 1 (one) month after the last frost for your region, or when soil temperatures consistently reach 60 degrees.
How to Plant Game Changer Forage Soybeans
Game Changer Forage Soybeans can be broadcast onto a well prepared seed bed and covered 1-1.5 inches in the soil. Seeds left on the soil surface may have poor germination and be eaten by pests. Be sure to soil test and add appropriate fertilizer at or just before planting time. If needed, lime should ideally be applied several months before planting. Without a current soil test to go by, fertilize with 250-300lbs per acre of 0-20-20 or a comparable low or no nitrogen fertilizer. No-till drills or planters are ideal for planting.
Clover Plus
Few plants are more effective at attracting whitetail and turkey than clover. BioLogic’s Clover Plus is a perennial blend of our New Zealand Red and White clovers and extremely successful varieties of chicory. Developed specifically for a whitetails stomach, Clover Plus produces larger, more succulent leaves and thinner stems for higher nutritional value and improved digestibility. Both clover and chicory are extremely hardy and drought-resistant, yielding consistent production through the hot months of summer. It’s a combination of high nutrition, great attraction and consistent growth that deer can’t resist.
When to plant Clover Plus
In the south, plant Clover Plus in early fall, as soon as soil moisture is sufficient for seed germination. Spring planting isn’t recommended; frequent summer drought conditions could limit root growth. In the north, plant Clover Plus in the spring when soil temperature is 50° or higher and soil moisture is sufficient. Fall planting isn’t recommended; frost may occur before root systems are established. This blend can also be frost-seeded in the spring.
How to plant Clover Plus
Clover Plus is best planted by spreading on a well-prepared seedbed at 9 lbs. per acre, then using a cultipacker or light drag to cover the seed. Grasses can be controlled in Clover Plus using a grass specific herbicide such as clethodim.
Spring Protein Peas
BioLogic Spring Protein Pea is an annual warm season planting that is designed to provide maximum nutrition for your deer herd through the critical growing months. Protein Peas is a very drought and browse tolerant planting that grows in a wide variety of soil types and is great for hot climates. In areas of high deer density, Protein Peas may need protection with BioLogic’s P2 Plot Protector so plants can get established.
When to plant Spring Protein Peas
Spring Protein Peas can be planted anytime in the spring or summer months. For maximum forage output, plant in spring 2-3 weeks after the last frost for your region when soil temperatures reach 55-60 degrees.
How to plant Spring Protein Peas
Spring Protein Peas can be broadcast onto a well prepared seed bed and covered to 1 inch of soil depth. Seeds left on the soil surface may have poor germination and be eaten by pests. Without a current soil test to go by, fertilize with 200-300lbs per acre of 0-20-20 or a comparable low or no nitrogen fertilizer. This blend can also be planted with a no-till drill or similar planters, use the setting for small peas at 30-35lbs per acre. Set planting depth to 1 inch. Spring Protein Peas can can be sprayed with grass specific herbicides to kill any grass competition in the plot.
This same principal of proper timing and planning applies for other plantings for doves, ducks, pheasants, etc. Planting areas specifically for birds is beneficial for a property not just from a hunting standpoint. Often times these plantings are used in strips or transition zones adjacent to food plots for deer. The step down effect from timber to grassy seed producing plants to lower growing green groceries creates diversity and makes for awesome wildlife habitat including a lot of small mammals, song birds, and insects. BioLogic’s WhistleBack is a warm season blend of sorghum, millets, and sunflowers. This mix is designed to produce massive amounts of seed, and at the same time offer cover for many species of upland birds. This blend contains varieties that all grow and mature at different heights, offering food to birds as small as quail and doves on up to pheasants or turkeys.
When to plant WhistleBack
Ideally plant late spring and early summer. The plants in WhistleBack are designed to grow and mature by the end of the summer. The seeds will shatter and naturally distribute on the ground, being consumed by birds in the fall and winter.
How to plant WhistleBack
Sorghums, millets, and sunflowers all require the same basic planting depth and ground preparation should be as follows. No-till drills work great for these seeds, and most drills have a setting for planting all of these seed producing plants. If using traditional planting methods, I would suggest spraying the area to be planted a week to ten days ahead of planting with a non-selective herbicide, such as glyphosate, to kill all existing vegetation. Ground to be planted can then be disked or tilled and then cultipacked or rolled to create a firm seed bed. Seed can then be broadcast and dragged in with a chain harrow or cultipacked again. Ideal planting depth is about 1 inch. Obviously, seed left on the surface of the soil is easy picking for all types of birds and insects.
Turkey Gold Chufa
Another very popular planting for turkey and waterfowl is chufa. BioLogic Turkey Gold Chufa is without a doubt the most attractive planting for turkeys. Chufa needs to be planted in the late spring/early summer when there is at least 90+ days of growing season left before any threat of frost would arrive. This gives the chufa time to establish, build a root structure and begin to develop the tubers that turkey are so crazy about. Chufa is also pretty easy to manage weeds in since it is in the sedge family of plants. This allows you to use a grass specific herbicide to kill any invasive grasses or a broadleaf herbicide such as 2,4D. As the chufa matures in the early fall it can begin to provide food all the way into the next spring and ideally keeping your turkeys at home right up till the season.
When to plant Chufa
Planting times for BioLogic Chufa are late April to early June for the South, early May- early June for the North.
How to plant Chufa
Chufa should be planted at 1.5-2 inches soil depth. Planters and no-till drills are ideal for planting if available. Chufa can also be broadcast planted into a well prepared seed bed. Chufa seed should be covered to the suggested depth by using a drag harrow or by lightly discing in. Ideally the field can also then be cultipacked or rolled for increased seedling survival.